AgriSeek – Marketplace to aid those in the agricultural field in buying and selling tractors, land, seeds, farming related merchandise, as well as livestock, farming related jobs, animal products, agrochemicals and a wide range of services.

Equine Info Exchange The Leading Site for Uniting the Horse World, EQUINE INFO EXCHANGE is the Sole Source for Everything Equine.

Agsites.net – Agricultural and outdoor world link directory

Best Horse Sites Directory – Listing the best horse sites on the Web.

EquineU.com, a division Action Safety Education, is dedicated to bringing horse ownersand equine professionals up-to-date and useful information regarding the health and safety of their animals. Download their FREE 15-page Emergency Planning Workbook.

Equiworld.net – Resources on horse care, products, sports, training, services and horse links. Communityfeatures include members’ area, e-zine, and chat.

Horsetalk – Equestrian news, information, classifieds, forums and more from New Zealand.

InfoHorse.com – Horse lifestyle and product articles and links.

The National Ag Safety Database has information in Spanish and French on agricultutal fire safety for use as a 15-minute training session.

NetPosse.com – Stolen Horse International Inc.

Proud Spirit Horse Sanctuary located in Mena, Arkansas, provides rescue of abused and abandoned horses.

Red Jeans Ink – Save Your Horse! A Horse Owner’s Guide to Large Animal Rescue,the first book to address the subject of technical large animal rescue in a way that makes sense to horse owners.